Most Common Myths About Bartenders
Everyone has a set of beliefs concerning every profession; most of them are just the prejudices that prevail as the most common myths. If little did you know about the bartending profession myths, we try to wrap up all of it for you here in this article. Read inside about the facts and brush up your bartending knowledge with us. What is true about this profession? Have you ever been confronted with any of these err stigmas? Let us try to find out the truth- Working behind the Bar is just like partying for the weekends and weekdays Even though a bartender loves his job, there are some days when he feels less motivated to serve you the delicious drinks because, for him, it is not like partying. People think that working behind a bar means that everything is always just fun, but there is more to it. Being the only non-drunker between drunk guests can be extremely exhausting. They have to work in shifts among the people, who have been drinking all nigh...